The RSPB Croydon Local GroupMonthly Illustrated Wildlife Talks in South CroydonWhitgift Sports Club, Croham Manor Road - off Croham Road. South Croydon, CR2 7BG Monday February 8th 2016, 2pm & again at 8pm: “Natural Quarry”. In 1998 David Boag was approached to photograph, write and design a book that captured the natural beauty and wildlife of a working quarry. This led to a variety of other corporate commissions. He is one of the world's leading nature photographers and he revisits that initial quarry with us. Admission £4. Everyone is welcome, not just RSPB members. Free refreshments. A selection of RSPB goods, nuts & seeds are on sale. Parking limited on site but free in adjacent roads. 64 & 433 buses stop nearby in Croham Road.